First Baptist Church Duarte

First Baptist Church Duarte

A Place Where We Love People, Teach People and Praise God in the Process!

Vision Statement

"First Baptist Church exists to REACH the lost, EQUIP believers, and SEND disciples for the glory of God."

Mission Statement

First Baptist Church exists to love God with all our heart! "To Love People, Teach People and Praise God in the Process!"

Purpose of the church

We believe that Scripture reveals that this is the purpose of the church, to glorify God by obeying the Great Commission by fulfilling the Great Commandment and practicing the Great Compassion.

Our Leadership Pastor has been pastoring for over 16 years. A native of San Jose, CA where he meet his wife Samantha Herrell . They have been married for over 17 years and have a handsome son named Pierce. We celebrated their 10th Anniversary as our Pastors at First Baptist Church Duarte #LoveFBC on March 15, 2020.

Beautiful Responsive Design

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Retina Ready & Touch Optimized

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Powerful Forms

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Stunning Portfolio

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